At times, life can get a bit messy. Here are some basic stain removal tips to help keep your S. HAWKINS collections clean and fresher for longer.
Dab a sponge with cold water, if stain older, soaking it in cold water may help
Spot treat diluted white vinegar and/or dishwashing liquid
Be sure to rinse well after with water
Avoid placing the garment in the dryer before the stain is completely gone
Scrape off any pulp and run cold water through stain
If stain still persist, soak in white vinegar mixed with dishwashing liquid
Spot treating with lemon juice may also help to lift the stain
Avoid using soap flakes or laundry soap directly as it can make it harder to get rid of
Avoid placing the garment in the dryer before the stain is completely gone
Place a cloth under the stained fabric to prevent spreading onto anything else
Press a napkin or paper towel against the stain to soak excess wine (do not rub)
Dab stain with a clean cloth dipped in white vinegar
Blot again with damp kitchen towels
Pre-treat with a commercial stain remover or a paste of baking soda and water
Run garment on a cold cycle, hotter temperatures may set the stain
Avoid placing the garment in the dryer before the stain is completely gone
Remove the excess berry pulp
Pre-treat with lemon juice or diluted vinegar for 5 mins
Flush with warm to boiling water from inside out
If stain persist, soak with water and detergent
Do not rinse stain with water; this may cause spreading
Sprinkle both sides with flour or cornstarch and let sit for 10 - 20mins
Shake off excess powder and gently rub mild dish soap
If stain still persist, dab with a solution of diluted shampoo and ammonia
Rinse under warm or hot water
Blot with a cold damp kitchen towel and rinse under cold water until water runs clear
Run warm water through stain while dabbing laundry detergent
If stain persist, dab with liquid detergent before soaking in warm water and detergent
Wash on low temperature to avoid setting the stain
Remove avocado remnants with a dull knife or spoon
Gently rub liquid detergent onto the stain and let sit for 5mins
Soak the stain in cold water for 10 - 15 mins; rubbing the stain gently every 5mins
If stain persist, apply commercial stain remover and let sit for 5mins before
Rinse till stain is not visible before running a hot cycle
To avoid shrinkage, always follow garment guidelines
Scrape excess with a spoon or dull knife
Run fabric under cold running water
Pre-treat or soak with an enzyme laundry product for 30mins
Rinse before running a cold cycle
Avoid warm, hot cycles and dryers before the stain is completely gone
Rinse stain under cold running water
Gently rub stain in a solution of shampoo or liquid detergent and cold water
If stain persist, spot treat with white vinegar or repeat the above steps
Pre-treat with a commercial stain remover if necessary
Launder using a cold cycle
Avoid warm, hot cycles and dryers before the stain is completely gone
All stain removal methods should be applied prior to any washing cycle. It is recommended to treat the stain as soon as possible when it is at its freshest.
Indigo Stain Removal
Indigo may adhere to clothes and other materials easily. Most indigo stains can be easily removed with soap and water. If not, here are a few easy steps that can help remove this.
If dye transfer is heavy or have dried, soak garment in oxygen-based bleach and cold water before washing on the recommended care cycle - do not use oxygen bleach on silk or wool
For coloured fabrics, rewash using non-chlorine bleach and liquid detergent
For white and cotton, rewash using an oxygen-based bleach or liquid chlorine bleach.
It is common for Indigo to stain your skin for the first time. Do not panic, a simple bath or shower will simply wash it off.